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Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle


Nettle also know as Urtica dioica. This particular herb is very popular in the holistic community. It grows worldwide. It has a dark green hue with spiky trimmings. Almost resembles a mixture of mint and cilantro.

Key Constituents are Flavonoids, Amines, Glucoquinone, and it’s also very high in minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron!

Its key actions are Diuretic It’s a great herb to incorporate while detoxing. It increases urine production and helps the kidneys eliminate waste. It’s also Astringent and is good to drink daily for those who suffer with nose bleeds or heavy menstrual bleeding. Very good for Preventing Hemorrhaging, That’s why anyone whom I speak to about a pregnancy knows I tell them to drink nettle tea daily during the last trimester and during and after labor. It’s also a great anti inflammatory herb. Just a great herb over all I love nettle.

This herb is used in my Prenatal vitamins, vitawomb gummies, womb cleanser capsules, kidney and adrenal support tincture, pre/post natal tea, and my hormonal imbalance tea.

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