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One Year Vegan

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

Being vegan isn't a trend, its a conscious decision toward a healthier lifestyle.

I've been vegan for about 1.5 years now. I can absolutely say all though I still have flaws I am a totally different person now, then I was over a year ago. I give all Praises to The Most High. My children have also been vegan for the same amount of time now. They are much healthier, I can not remember the last time I or them have been at dis-ease. My daughter has had a rash break out, but with herbal supplements we immediately cleared it up. My son is so much more spiritually developed, he is five and is very obedient on his journey of holistic health. This is a great experience and a great transition that I would definitely recommend to anyone. It does take a lot of self discipline, I will admit that. But once your inspired to achieve true health all the obstacles become warm ups. I have obtained so much knowledge about the body while being vegan. Eating has become an art. Cooking has become a passion. When I cook, my spirit glows in away that I can't describe. I'm always looking for new ways and trying new recipes that enhances the healing journey. I am now 30 days into my alkaline eating switch over. I have removed processed foods and have been intaking more herbs and fresh fruits and veggies into my diet. I have also learned a lot of new recipes consisting of plant based foods. So stay tuned and follow my holistic journey.….. 2018

"Healing has to be consistent with life itself. If it isn't then it's not healing.The components have to be from life."

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