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My Mission

My mission is to Bring ease to your mind and life by providing you the tools necessary to maintain a healthy balanced live-it (diet). It can be frustrating and impossible when you are confused and not seeing the results you desire. As your health and wellness coach, I will provide the discipline, motivation and drive you need to assure you see the results you want and bring vitality to your cells by feeding them whole living plant based foods. Are you struggling to make change with the foods you eat? Is work and travel or just a busy life period causing you to lose focus on the foods you eat? I'll guide you through and teach you how to take on healthier habits to shift your cells to a more healthy and happy fulfilling lifestyle.

When you look at the words plant based you probably think of someone who doesn't eat anything that took the harming of an animal to produce it. Even though you are correct, me and my team have taken it further. You see your diet consists of way more than just what you eat. Your diet is your entire environment. Your Nervous System not only digest foods and drinks but also, words, family, friends, your significant other, and so on and so forth. Your diet is your MINDSET. Let's apply this lifestyle not only to our eating but to our lifestyle mentally, physically and spiritually! Just like you don't eat meat and dairy products because it gives you cancer, don't indulge in negative energy because it gives you cancer as well. Just like we stay away from artificial sugars and sweeteners because those sugars can cause tissue decaying diabetes and unwanted addiction, we also stay away from deceiving people with sweet words but harmful intentions. In modern day medicine, narcotics and drugs which give you diabetes , tissue decay, and unwanted addictions. Just like we stay away from deep fried foods, processed foods with preservatives, artificial salts and bleached white flour in which these things cause high blood pressure , stroke, heart attack and death ! Same as we stay away from stress, anger, doubt and negative vibrations which cause high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and death, ect...... I not only advocate against animal cruelty but against cruelty to humanity as well ! There is a difference between knowing the information and applying the information ! The first step is your willingness to manifest change. The rest is just staying consistent, and that is where I come in to assist you. My Mission and purpose is to bring you into remembrance of your potential through holistic living. By taking on a plant based live-it (diet), mastering your breath, daily body movement such as yoga, dance, or exercising, you can naturally bring the body to optimal health. Bringing Maat to mind, body, and soul. Are you ready to become your highest self?

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